2019年5月31日 星期五

#9 edX

Japanese Pronunciation for Communication from WasedaX(早稻田大學)

I think it is good way to learn japanese. There has the point  at the bottom of the course. It can translate into chinese to let people know the meaning of a word or phrase. But the subtitles in the video can not show japanese and chinese at the same time. It is trouble for me because i have to switch all the time, maybe it can add bilingual subtitles.

2019年5月16日 星期四

#8 Online Comics

Episode 23 : Take a chance


  • tactics
method that you use to achieve something
ex: The question was just a delaying tactic to stop her leaving the room.

  • campaign
1 a series of actions intended to achieve a particular result relating to politics or business, or a social improvement
2 a series of battles, attacks etc intended to achieve a particular result in a war
ex:During his years as a human rights campaigner he was arrested seven times.

  • renown
when you are famous and a lot of people admire you for a special skill, achievement, or quality 
ex:Speakers of international renown will attend the conference.

The protagonist is not tempted to sign a contract with the elves, but to take a firm stand and choose to hone herself step by step, because efforts may not succeed, but not efforts will not succeed. 

2019年5月15日 星期三

#7 Story

The King's Secret


  • dungeon
dark underground prison, especially under a castle, that was used in the past
ex: Travellers stripped of their possessions and disappearing into castle dungeons, never to be heard of again.

  • mustache
the usual American spelling of moustache
ex: His mustache twitched; he cleared his throat, but said nothing.

  • quiver
to shake slightly because you are cold, or because you feel very afraidangryexcited etc
ex:John's hands were quivering as he put down his papers and started his speech.

description of the story

  • The king thought that the prince with the ears of an ox was a shame, so the king warned the barber couldn't tell the secret , but the barber couldn't help so he told the secret to an old tree. However,  the old tree was made into a drum and told the secret. Finally, the king was relieved and went out with the prince to the street to receive the cheers of the people. 

2019年4月19日 星期五

#5 English song

YOUTH  Troye Sivan
What if, what if we run away?
What if, what if we left today?
What if we said goodbye to safe and sound?
And what if, what if we're hard to find?
What if, what if we lost our minds?
What if we let them fall behind and they're never found?
And when the lights start flashing like a photobooth
And the stars exploding, we’ll be fireproof
My youth, my youth is yours
Trippin' on skies, sippin' waterfalls
My youth, my youth is yours
Runaway now and forevermore
My youth, my youth is yours
A truth so loud you can't ignore
My youth, my youth, my youth
My youth is yours
My youth is yours
My youth is yours
My youth is yours
What if, what if we start to drive?
What if, what if we close our eyes?
What if we're speeding through red lights into paradise?
'Cause we've no time for getting old
Mortal body, timeless souls
Cross your fingers, here we go
Oh oh oh oh
And when the lights start flashing like a photobooth
And when the lights start flashing, flashing, flashing
And when the lights start flashing
My youth, my youth is yours
Trippin' on skies, sippin' waterfalls
My youth, my youth is yours
Runaway now and forevermore
My youth, my youth is yours
A truth so loud you can't ignore
My youth, my youth, my youth
My youth is yours
My youth is yours
My youth is yours
My youth is yours

-Words : 
photo booth
a small structure in which you can sit to have photographs taken by a machine
ex : I told him all about Marie and showed him the pictures we took in that photo booth.
a building, piece of cloth etc that is fireproof cannot be badly damaged by flames
ex : Theatre curtains have to be fireproof.
1. remaining attractive and not becoming old-fashioned
2. literary continuing for ever
ex : If a song is good enough, it has a timeless quality.
-Why do I like the song?
I like "YOUTH" because this song has light melody and repeated lyrics which makes it easy for me to remember. In addition, this song tells the story of gay and the lyrics are very visual, I think that no matter what your sexual orientation is, everyone has the right to love. This society should need more respect and less discrimination.

2019年4月4日 星期四

#4 TED Talk

Grit: The power of passion and perseverance

  • Speaker : Angela Lee Duckworth
  • Duration : 6 minutes
  • Vocabulary :
  1. Stamina :physical or mental strength that lets you continue doing something for a long time without getting tired
    ex : Brooks just doesn't have the stamina to play the whole game.

  2. Intuition :
    [uncountable] the ability to understand or know something because of a feeling rather than by considering the facts
    [countable]an idea about what is true in a particular situation based on a feeling rather than facts
    ex : If you think there's something wrong about the situation, you should trust your intuition.
  3. Military : 
    used by, involving, or relating to the armynavy, or air force

    ex : German military power was restricted after World War II.
  • Review : 
    Grit is passion and perseverance for very long-term goals . For example in test , some people are not smart but very serious and persevering , however , some people are talented but have insufficient patience and perseverance to prepare for the exam for a long time . I think I am not intelligent , but I have a sufficient patience and perseverance . No pain,no gain . if I have a strong grit for very long-term goals , I will successful one day .

2019年3月7日 星期四

#2 Vocabulary


the first public appearance of an entertainer, sports player etc or of something new and important

ex : She debuted in "pink film" s in 1967, at first working in supporting roles.


to develop a new appearance or change into something else, or to make something do this

ex : Even as people try to learn how to use them, computers are morphing into something new. 


a small, useful, and cleverly-designed machine or tool

ex :  He showed her several electronic gadgets, such as a watch that you can use as a phone


a person, group, organization that you compete with in sport, business, a fight etc 

ex : Sheena left her job and went to work for a rival company.


a liking for, an enjoyment of, or a habit of doing something, especially something that other people might not like

ex : The language is lucid, but the author has a penchant for trying to do too many things in one sentence.

2019年3月2日 星期六

#1 Introduce myself

Hello! Everyone!

My name is 鍾佾儒   , and my English name is Lucy , nineteen years old.

Studying in the second year of the Department of Business Administration.

My hometown is Taichung City , I think Taichung is a great place , now I live in Taipei City.

In my leisure time, I enjoy listening to music like J-pop ,watching TV and singing because doing these things can bring me happiness. I also like to enjoy the scenery when I travel because nature makes people relax.

In the course of Computer Assisted Language Learning , I hope to understand and use more English resources on the Internet to strengthen my English ability in the future.

#9 edX

Japanese Pronunciation for Communication   from  WasedaX(早稻田大學) I think it is good way to learn japanese. There has the point  at the bot...